Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Room 7's Botanic Garden Trip

Room 7 went to the Auckland Botanic Gardens on the 17th November, 2015.

We learnt how compost is made naturally using FBI - Fungus, Bacteria and Invertebrate and how to make our own worm farm and compost bin.

We were very tired at the end but we had an amazing day!

"I liked seeing those statues doing the handstand."

Thursday, November 12, 2015

My Writing

Term 1, 2015
This is my writing at the beginning of the year.

Term 4, 2015
Look what I can write now!

This term I have been learning to use punctuation such as full stops, comma's and speechmarks and write more than one idea with details related to the topic.

"I'm good at finger spacing and doing the full stops. I am learning to do speech marks." Bailey

Monday, November 9, 2015

Reading punctuation!

I am learning to notice and identify punctuation marks when I am reading. 

"I can talk louder when I read an exclamation mark.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Painted Paper Bouquets

LI: We are learning to mix and blend primary colours.

First we mixed primary colours together to make new colours then we
blended them together to paint our vase and petals. Next we used watercolours to paint our flowers and then we put it all together.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Measuring with our Gingerbread man

LI: We are learning to compare and measure the length of similar objects.

First we measured and made a gingerbread man out of cardboard. Next we had to build a bridge out of blocks and cardboard of different lengths that were long enough for him to cross.

"We built a bridge using lots of different sized blocks. Ours was a tall one."

Last but not least we made a Gingerbread man, 
decorated it and got to take him home to eat. Yum!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Sharing fairly

We have been looking at fractions like halves and quarters and I have been learning to share one whole object fairly between 2 and 4 friends. 

This can be tricky sometimes when I have to share one object with 4 people, 
so we practised how we could do this by cutting our dough ball and pizza's into 4 equal pieces.

"I can cut imy pizza into quarters and share it fairly with my friends."

Monday, August 17, 2015

My jellybean...

I am learning to use desribing words and add detail to my story writing.

"I can add detail to my writing, I can write lots of detail in my story."

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Identifying contractions

We are learning about contractions. This is when you take two words and shorten them or make them into one word.

"I know how to find contractions, 
they are two words together to make a new word. " 

Sunday, July 26, 2015

100 days smarter!

Room 7 celebrated our 100th day of learning,
 we are now 100 days smarter!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Look at my learning!

On Thursday 25th June 2015, we had our Student Led Conference. 
This was a night where I got to show my family all my wonderful learning 
that I do in Room 7 and how clever I am. 

I enjoyed showing them my work and I was proud of all my learning.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Greedy cat

I am learning to publish my writing on Kidpix.

"I liked writing my story on the computer and drawing the picture too."

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Park the word

I am learning to identify root words - words with different endings like: looks, looking and looked.

"I can look at the end sound."

Monday, May 25, 2015

Alien Addition

I am learning to add two numbers together to make a group of 10.
It can be tricky to find the right numbers to put together to make a group of 10.

"I can make different groups of 10. This is a fun game."

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Mixing colours at Te Tuhi

I am learning to mix colours together to make new colours.

Room 7 went on a class trip to Te Tuhi where we learn't how to mix 
primary colours together to make Secondary colours. 
I mixed the colours and painted my colour wheel, 
I was proud of my colour mixing.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

I went...

I am learning to write the word ‘went in my story. I am learning to find new words in and around our classroom. I am proud of my story writing. 

The next step for me might be to remember my finger spaces.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Room 7 is having a fun time learning to swim in term 1. 
Our swimming days are on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

We are learning to get dressed and undressed by ourselves
and enter and exit the pool safely.

"I can blow bubbles in the water."

Monday, February 9, 2015


I am learning to write my numbers.

"I can write lots of numbers."